The Great Wall of Gold


Ein Beitrag vom Nachtwächter am 28.08.2014

Posted on August 27, 2014 by The Doc

The Eastern Bloc of countries realizes they’re at war with Western ones, not a shooting war, but a financial one.  This is an unconventional war, and an unconventional war requires unconventional tactics.

The “slings and arrows” flying through the air aren’t bullets and bombs, but rather economic sanctions, currency swap agreements, and boycotts.  Whether you realize it or not, this war has been red hot for some time, and will soon come to a head.  There’s actually more to gain or lose here, than most people can wrap their heads around, and the results of this conflict will change the world forever.

In partnership with Russia and others, China is stacking so much gold, at such an amazing speed, that the world has never seen its like before.  There is definitely a multi-leveled strategy here, to be the center of gravity for gold-trading/pricing/storing: not just for Asia, but for the world. The Chinese government is doing all this to fortify its position, by building the “2nd Great Wall” for its own protection: the “Great Wall of Gold”.

>>> Weiter im Original-Beitrag bei Silverdoctors

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